Hier sind einige ältere Videos usw., die wir gesammelt hatten. Vielleicht ist noch etwas dabei, was euch interessiert?
(Auszug aus einem Vortrag von Hameed Ali, auch bekannt als A. H. Almaas, vor Studenten der Ridhwan-Schule während des europäischen Sommerretreats am 8. Juni 2022. Das Thema des Retreats ist „Zeit“.)
Einige von euch fragen sich vielleicht, was zum Teufel wir eigentlich hier tun? Wir sprechen über Zeit, Zeitlosigkeit; und ja, all das könnten tiefe, subtile Bewusstseinszustände sein, Zustände der Erkenntnis – während die Welt ein Chaos ist. Vergessen wir dabei die Welt? Was geschieht in der Welt? Wie verhält sich das, was wir in der Schule tun, wie verhält sich unsere Arbeit als Ganzes zu dem, was jeden Tag in der Welt geschieht?
With Tami Simon, A.H. Almaas, and Zarina Maiwandi
Riveting interviewer and founder of Sounds True, Tami Simon, talks with Diamond Approach founder A.H. Almaas (Hameed Ali) and teacher Zarina Maiwandi to help sincere truth seekers learn more about the Diamond Approach (also called the Diamond Path) and the first-ever, all-online Diamond Approach group.
An Interview by Enzo Dal Verme
The current coronavirus pandemic has called many former certainties into question. As we wonder about our post-pandemic life, many of us feel a transformation is inevitable.
In this special interview, I ask Hameed if he thinks we will come out as better people…
No matter what side you’re on, the general consensus is that the world is deeply polarized and broken. Some people see it as a major wake-up call. What is your take on this?
It is not new that human beings experience such suffering, but it is the first time that all of humanity is suffering from the same thing. Most will see it as a wake-up call to be ready for future pandemics or disasters. Waking up can be to something deeper. It can be to the truth that humanity is one, that we are all one family. I think many will wake up to this truth, not the majority. And it is very unlikely that governments will have this waking up.
What are the positive changes that we might see arise after this global crisis?
This pandemic has brought out the true human spirit in many areas and in many people. Even in some politicians and powerful people in the world. This human spirit is appearing as generosity, as caring for others, as resilience and courage, even self-sacrifice for the safety and health of others. These qualities might remain after the pandemic is over in some of the people who have experienced and lived them, for they can recognize they can be this way, and feel good about it. Some might awaken to the truth that what makes us truly human is our spiritual nature, with its inherent goodness, which appears as heart and love.
John Harper's comprehensive website is offering all kinds of information around the Diamond Approach, including a glossary of the school's most important topics:
(Excerpted from a teaching by Jessica Britt)
At any given moment, a person on the spiritual journey can be faced with a strong inner question of what is right action in terms of my spiritual life in relationship to my personal life, my
creative life, my social life and, for some, my political life. It is a deeply personal question: Where does my inner work meet my outer life on the planet Earth? These kinds of inner questions
can leave a person feeling torn or guilty, no matter what direction one is drawn to, leaving one in a limbo of inaction at any level. Sometimes certain planetary disasters, or political
events bring these kinds of questions forward—whether a weather event, a war or a strongly polarized election cycle. Am I doing enough?
Being with the World As It Is: Hameed on Understanding Violence
It is so challenging to read about the outbreaks of violence around the world these days. The inhumanity and sadness of these events can make many of us feel overwhelmed. In an attempt to understand how the Diamond Approach can help us hold what seems so senseless, Hameed and Emerald Mountain student Jorge Arango sat down to talk about the June 12th shootings at Pulse, a gay club in Orlando, Florida, that killed 49 people and wounded 53.
"Letting go of the guidance system of our youth.": https://youtu.be/-jxpG2wZp9E
Ein Bericht vom Quasar-Seminar im Mai 2015 in Berlin von Saleem Matthias Riek mit einer interessanten Fragestellung:
Weisheit vom Podium verkündet - Ist das belehrend? Ist es inspirierend? Ist es ein »offener Raum«? Saleem hat an einem Seminar mit Almaas teilgenommen, in dem Frontalunterricht mit
Kleingruppenarbeit abwechselte, und stellt sich dabei erneut die uralte Frage, wie spirituelle Weisheit am besten vermittelt werden kann...
From Oct. 24th, 2014: Living Realization a Conversation with Adyashanti and A.H. Almaas
Many people have experienced some form of realization, such as dissolution of or dis-identification with body or ego and are beginning to recognize themselves as awareness. However, a fully
embodied, lived, and expressed realization is another step altogether, and many seekers experience difficulties bridging this gap. What does it take for our understanding to fully penetrate body
and mind and to be lived as a permanent reality wholly expressed in the world? How do our ideas of what it means to live life from one's deepest realization get in the way of actually living it?
Which difficulties do we encounter, which delusions and misunderstood ideas, and how do they limit realization itself? Are there useful descriptions of stages to realization, or do they actually
hinder the spontaneous unfolding of presence?
Science and Nonduality (SAND) provides a forum where preeminent scientists, philosophers, teachers, artists and a large, international community gather to explore and advance the
new paradigm emerging in spirituality, that is both grounded in cutting-edge science and consistent with the ancient wisdom of nonduality — the deep understanding of the interconnectedness of
- See more at: www.scienceandnonduality.com/living-realization-a-conversation-with-adyashanti-and-a-h-almaas/
All about the interview: batgap.com/karen-johnson
"In this interview, we discussed how the Diamond Approach is evolving, what differentiates it from other traditions, and the most recent developments of the past 15 years, about which Karen and
Hameed have only recently begun to teach, speak and write."
See the complete interview here.
This conversation was recorded at the Science and Nonduality 2013 conference in San Jose, California.
Exploring the Nature of Consciousness and Perception - Conversation with Hameed Ali (A. H. Almaas) and Rupert Spira -moderated by Zaya Benazzo
See the complete conversation here.
More interviews on Conscious TV
for download at Sounds True:
Two Visionary Teachers Invite Us to Explore the Path to Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual realization expresses itself differently through different teachers. With Realization Unfolds, two of our generation’s most pioneering and influential spiritual teachers present a
six-session on-demand online course that explores their respective perspectives on spiritual awakening and what it means to live an awakened life.
The first three sessions of the course are drawn from our live recording with A.H. Almaas and Adyashanti in San Rafael, California, on October 23, 2010. The next three sessions were recorded live
in late March and early April 2011.
As you watch the video of the dialogue, we invite you to reflect deeply on what is being discussed and its relevance in your own life. After each video presentation, you will be offered a series
of questions and contemplations. If you wish, you may write out responses to these in the online journal provided.
For the duration of Realization Unfolds, Adyashanti will be referred to “Adya” and A.H. Almaas will be referred to as “Hameed,” the names most commonly used by their friends and students.
More information about the download and a preview: Hameed & Adhyashanti
The first retreat ever released to the public by A. H. Almaas
Wisdom of Life and Death is a DVD presentation of a 10-day retreat given by A.H. Almaas, originator of the Diamond Approach®. This is the first retreat he has released to the public. The proceeds
from sales go to the End of Life group in support of the Ridhwan School.
These 18 lectures, which include exercises as well as comments and questions by attendees, address progressively deeper spiritual, psychological and physical aspects of the death of the ego, as
well as of the body. The subject is presented within the context of the Diamond Approach, a spiritual map developed by A. H. Almaas that draws on contemporary depth psychology. Presented in
1999, Wisdom of Life & Death provides an in-depth understanding of life, so we can cherish every moment of it.
1. Transcendence and Embodiment - 2. Hierarchy of Values - 3. Death of the Ego Self - 4. Cherishing the Moment -
5. Qualities of Maturity and Integrity - 6. Pain and Suffering - 7. Kindness, Love and Generosity - 8. Acknowledging Our Mortality - 9. Relation to Death and Dying - 10. Contemplation of Death - 11. The Unknown and Loss of Control in Death - 12. Death Space - 13. Annihilation Space - 14. Loss of the Particulars of Our Personal Life - 15. The Absolute as the Death Side of Reality - 16. The Deathlessness of True Nature - 17. The Soul After Death - 18. Life of Logos, Death of Absolute