Veranstaltungen/Workshops in Deutschland - Germany:

Die Ridhwan-Stiftung

Eine Übersicht der Veranstaltungen in Deutschland finden Sie hier:


Eine Übersicht über Gruppen und Events finden Sie hier:


Oder Sie setzen sich direkt mit den folgenden Lehrer*innen in Verbindung: 

Kontakte zu Lehrer*innen der Einführungsworkshops

Konnie Schneider: 


Oliver Schumann:


Gisela Bast: 


Sarala Jungclaussen: 


Odile van Eck und Silvia Burkart: 

Weitere Veranstaltungen

Spiritual Inquiry Sessions with Teachers-in-Training from the Ridhwan European Seminary Training Program:

Low-cost guided inquiry sessions with local European Teachers-in-training in the Ridhwan School are now available for interested individuals who are not already in an on-going Diamond Approach group or seeing a Ridhwan Teacher. Ridhwan Teachers-in-training are closely supervised and mentored by experienced Ridhwan Teachers. Sessions will be conducted in the English language only for training purposes.  Meetings with a teacher-in-training must be face-to-face, therefore the possibility of having sessions may be limited by the location of teachers-in-training in Europe.


Contact: e-mail for information and an application form.

Contact and general information / Kontakt und allgemeine Information:

The DIAMOND APPROACH® groups and seminars, and DIAMOND HEART RETREATS & WORKSHOPS groups and seminars, are offered by the Ridhwan Foundation and the Diamond Heart and Training Institute, Inc., respectively.

Allgemeine Informationen über die Gruppen und Seminare/ For general information on such groups and seminars contact:

Germany and other European countries:

Rosy Breitkopf, Tel.: +49 (0)4952 942955, E-mail: